
As I am currently studying graphic design full-time at Montana State I have limited time for commission requests. However, I’d love to hear your ideas and, if I’m able, I’ll work to squeeze you into my schedule!

Just a few things to consider before requesting art:

  • Commissions run at a higher price point! But since I am still building my professional portfolio, I can usually create at lower prices if needed!

  • Depending on my schedule, the time it takes for me to complete a piece may vary. I unfortunately only have 2 hands so bigger projects may take me longer. I am open to deadlines, just be realistic!

  • Commission contracts must be signed before starting the project. This not only protects my art but my commitment to your needs as well!

  • I do not do any web design, paintings, or sculpture. My skills just aren’t there yet but I’m working on it!

With that being said, commissions help me grow and spread my art with the community! So thank you for your interest and support!

Looking forward to hearing from you!